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Kidney Cancer Awareness Week 2023

by | Jan 4, 2023 | Events News, Kidney Cancer UK News

We are proud to be driving Kidney Cancer Awareness Week for the eighth year in succession. The 6th – 10th February is the week when we ask all our friends and supporters to start conversations about kidney cancer. Make as much noise, raise as many hot kidney cancer topics as you can and bring awareness of kidney cancer to everyone. Don’t let the first time they hear the words ‘kidney cancer’ is when their doctor tells them they have it. If we make people aware of the symptoms, the ways to reduce the chances of getting it through healthier living, and the ways to avoid contracting a disease they may never recover from.

We have lots of things to save the date for, a webinar, a special patient blog from patients and a CNS, daily images to share and help spread the word, Green Friday with world famous landmarks being lit green and the opportunity for all spread the word and raise awareness to join in on.

The results from our 2022 survey to be published here proves this is a hidden killer that strikes without discrimination. The 4th most common symptom of kidney cancer in our survey was no symptom. But there are signs and if people know to join the dots they can at least ensure they bring them to the attention of their GP and at least get them checked.

Top most common symptoms of kidney cancer:

  1. Long-term pain in the back or side
  2. Blood in urine
  3. Fatigue

Kidney Cancer Patient Survey 2022 Results

As part of our media campaign we will be publishing the results of our Kidney Cancer Patient Survey which ran at the end of 2022 on Monday 6th February. Read our press release HERE in which we are calling for the kidney cancer guidlines we successfully campaigned to NHS England to recommend NICE to prepare to be drawn up without delay.

Click to Read

To view previous surveys, please click here

6 Daily Patient Blog Posts

We will be publshing patient blogs from Sunday 5th February.

The first is from from Mike Tunstall, It started in the summer of 2009 with a dull ache ‘down below’. For reassurance he went to his GP who suspected nothing sinister but, arranged an ultrasound scan. This showed a tumour on his left kidney. This became his Relentless Monster . Click here to read .

Our second blog for #kcaw2023 comes from Amanda who is 55, lives in Devon with her partner, Leon, and she has metastatic kidney cancer. Read HERE

Our third patient blog of #kcaw2023 comes from Janet. Having had a successful career as a chartered accountant and mathematics teacher, Janet was talked into moving to Spain, which wasn’t really her dream. But then what followed was no dream either. This is Janet’s story. Read HERE


To celebrate the eighth Kidney Cancer Awareness Week and Green Friday, taking place between the 6th & 10th of February 2023, Kidney Cancer UK is delighted to be auctioning off four fantastic opportunities. The auctions will launch on February 6th and run for 7 days. You can bid HERE. Items include:

  • Meet & Greet with rock star Paolo Nutini in Belfast and see his gig
  • Three-night stay on the Isle of Skye for two people
  • Special edition hand-signed Andy Murray Wimbledon 2016 picture
  • Win Striker the tiger


Go green for Green Friday

We are pleased to announce Green Friday will fall on 10th February in 2023. We are asking that everyone includes something green in their activities, such as wear a green ribbon, hat or scarf, make green the key colour in your make-up (eyeliner, lipstick, rouge (or maybe it should be ‘grouge’), light your house green, bake green cupcakes, recite Green Eggs and Ham to everyone you meet!! Anything to get someone to ask,  ‘what’s all this green about’ and you can have a conversation about the importance of early diagnosis of kidney cancer.

#LWKCWebinar – on Monday 6th February

This will be available to view again shortly.

Light up, light up……..

We have lots of national and local landmarks lighting up green to highlight Green Friday and Kidney Cancer Awareness Week 2023 so, keep your eyes and cameras ready and share them when you see a lit green building.

Politicians supporting Kidney Cancer Awareness Week 2023


Daisy Cooper MP – Deputy Leader of the Liberal Democrats, said;

Kidney cancer is the 7th most common cancer in the UK so this awareness week is really  important in highlighting how everyone should be aware of its symptoms.

“Caught at an early stage the disease is often treatable so if you do show any symptoms, such as blood in your urine, get it checked out by your GP. It might turn out to be nothing, but it could also save your life.


Humza Yousaf BPA/MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care, Scottish Government

I wish you and all of your supporters well this Kidney Cancer Awareness Week – I’m sure you’ll raise
lots of noise and funds through your efforts as you’ve done in previous years. We’ll be turning St
Andrews House in Edinburgh green to mark Green Friday on 10 February to show our support for those
affected by kidney cancer.
We are committed to finding cancer as early as possible which is why we continue to invest in our
Detect Cancer Earlier (DCE) Programme, initially launched in 2012.
“Raising awareness of possible symptoms and empowering people to seek help early is key – keep
your eyes peeled for our new DCE campaign that will launch in Spring 2023



Welsh Government Minister for Health and Social Services, Eluned Morgan MS, said;

Close to six hundred people in Wales are diagnosed with kidney cancer per year and sadly around 220 people per year will die as a result. It is positive that we have seen five-year survival increase from 53% in 2005-09 to 64% in 2015-19 but there is more to do.

We must continue to raise awareness of kidney cancer and encourage people to seek advice if they have any concerning symptoms.




<a href="" target="_self">Malcolm Packer</a>

Malcolm Packer

Malcolm is Chief Executive Officer at Kidney Cancer UK and Kidney Cancer Scotland and has worked with the charity in various capacities for over 15 years.