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Kidney Cancer UK contributes to APPG inquiry on cancer services
The back log in cancer diagnosis and treatment due to COVID has been investigated in Parliament by three All Party Parliamentary Groups* working together as part of the ‘Catch up with Cancer’ campaign.
The inquiry provided an opportunity for clinicians and organisations to submit evidence and views on cancer services according to a set of questions that focuses on how to improve and expand them to reduce the backlog. Kidney Cancer UK provided a submission in which we highlighted the specific need to improve kidney cancer services as part of the overall post-COVID recovery drive.
A copy of our submission can be viewed here. Alternatively, it appears with the other 28 submissions made to the inquiry on the Radiotherapy All Party Parliamentary Groups website here.
Kidney Cancer UK CEO, Nick Turkentine said;
We welcome this important inquiry from three APPGs and we are pleased to have had the opportunity to provide our views on the vital work needed to ensure the patient backlog caused by Covid-19 is cleared as soon as possible and life-saving cancer treatments delayed no further.
* All-Party Parliamentary Groups (APPGs) are informal cross-party groups. They are run by and are for Members of the House of Commons and and House of Lords, though many choose to involve individuals and organisations from outside Parliament in their administration and activities. Although APPGs have no official status within Parliament, they are valuable in influencing Government thinking on specific topics.