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Kidney Cancer Awareness Week 2023

We are proud to be driving Kidney Cancer Awareness Week for the eighth year in succession. The 6th – 10th February is the week when we ask all our friends and supporters to start conversations about kidney cancer. Make as much noise, raise as many hot kidney cancer topics as you can and bring awareness of kidney cancer to everyone. Don’t let the first time they hear the words ‘kidney cancer’ is when their doctor tells them they have it. If we make people aware of the symptoms, the ways to reduce the chances of getting it through healthier living, and the ways to avoid contracting a disease they may never recover from.

We have lots of things to save the date for, a webinar, a special patient blog from patients and a CNS, daily images to share and help spread the word, Green Friday with world famous landmarks being lit green and the opportunity for all spread the word and raise awareness to join in on.

Some Highlights:

  • Publication of the results of the 2022 Patient Survey
  • #LWKCWebinar – Details coming soon – Details will be announced closer to the time on our social media platforms.
  • Go Green for Green Friday
  • If you need any support, advice or have any questions relating to Kidney Cancer Awareness Week or any other matters relating to kidney cancer, please contact us using this simple form and we will come back to you asap.

    What Happened in 2022?

    What happened in the national, local press & radio and on social media.
    This is the very top line….

    FACEBOOK: In the previous four weeks, up to and including #KCAW2022, on our open Facebook page alone we achieved a reached 15,660 and engaged with over 5,500 people.

    Twitter: Up to the 12th February we reached 30,000 people

    In the press, we had features in The Independent, The Daily Mirror, The Sun, The Scotsman, The Daily Mail, The Daily Express, and Metro, to name but a few and there was a raft of coverage. This was just in the week of #KCAW2022

    On The Radio: BBC Radio Scotland interviewed our Health Care Professional Kirsty Solman, James Whale MBE on talkRADIO interviewed leading surgeon, Professor Tom Powles.

    Kidney Cancer UK Patient Survey 2021 Report

    We published the findings from our Kidney Cancer UK Patient Survey 2021 which ran across October and November 2021 at the start of Kidney Cancer Awareness Week on 7th February, 2022. The report provided many worrying statistics about diagnosis, treatments and aftercare of patients across the UK. You can read the report here or by clicking on the image on the right.

    Special #LWKC Webinar

    We were delighted to be able to present in Kidney Cancer Awareness Week 2022, this #LWCK Webinar with Mr Neil Barber, Clinical Lead for Urology at Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust, Director of the Frimley Renal Cancer Centre and a UK leading light in Robot Assisted Surgery (RAS). In the 9th of our LWKC Webinar series, Mr Barber will be discussing kidney cancer ‘Surgery and the recovery process’ followed by a Q&A session on the 9th February 2022 at 6 pm.
    35 people attended this webinar, you can watch the recording by clicking the image

    Blog, blog, blog!!

    We ran a new blog every day across #KCAW2022, 5 blogs over 5 days. 4 brave and insightful stories and 1 insight into how the charity brings this event to you every year. Thank you to the wonderful and brave patients and partners who shared their stories for #KCAW2022 You can read them all by clicking here

    Light Up Green

    With everyone’s help, we managed to have a record smashing total of 47 landmarks lit green for 2022. Thank you to everyone for making this the best year ever.Click here to see a list of landmarks lighting up green in support of #KCAW2022

    Fly the flags!

    The importance of people changing their profile picture to the #KCAW2022 logo and for Green Friday, cannot be underestimated. Thank you to everyone who did, that was a flag to all your followers for awareness. Thank you.

    May the # be with you!!

    Just go on to any of the social media platforms or type into Google search, #KCAW2022 and you will see the incredible impact we have had this year. This is all down to the power of us all working together as one and it has paid off.
    Thank you to everyone who joined in, supported, lit a landmark green, painted their toenails green, dyed their hair, baked, or sent their emails in green. You are all amazing. Thank you, but let us try and keep that conversation going now.

    Monday 6th February, 2023 - Friday 10th February, 2023