Active surveillance is the least invasive treatment option for managing kidney cancer.
Active Surveillance
Sometimes just keeping an eye on how the tumour behaves can be a good treatment option. Especially if the tumour ...
Incidents of Kidney Cancer in the UK
Please provide up to date information - latest on website
Managing Fatigue
Fatigue is a common symptom of kidney cancer and of kidney cancer treatment. Kidney Cancer UK provides information on ways of helping manage fatigue.
The Leibovich Scoring System
The Leibovich score is used to predict a patient's risk of developing metastatic cancer after having removal of a whole kidney. This scoring system can help your medical team decide how best to manage a patient after surgery.
Second Opinion on Diagnosis
Information on requesting a second opinion about your diagnosis.
Kidney Cancer
Are you recently diagnosed, undergoing or completed treatment for kidney cancer, are a carer, a friend or family of a kidney cancer patient? We hope to offer you support and address some of your questions here. For further support call our Support Line to talk to a member of our Health team on 0800 002 9002.
Frequently Asked Questions
There are many questions that kidney cancer patients and their families may have. Kidney Cancer UK have collated a list of the most frequently asked questions and their answers.
Glossary of Terms
There are many terms associated with kidney cancer. Kidney Cancer UK has collated a comprehensive glossary of terms to help patients, carers and health professionals find the information they need.
Dietary Advice
Diet can play a huge part in health and well being. Kidney Cancer UK provide up to date dietary advice for those going through kidney cancer treatment and beyond.
Patient Support Grants
At Kidney Cancer UK, we award Patient Support Grants to patients who experience economic hardship because of a diagnosis of kidney cancer.
Palliative Care
Palliative care is sometimes a very necessary part of the kidney cancer journey. It can be daunting trying to navigate this process and know where to find help. Kidney Cancer UK provide information and support throughout the kidney cancer journey including through palliative care.