Support Line: 0800 002 9002
General Enquiries: 01223 870008

Ask a Nurse

Please fill in the form below to ask a new question to one of our oncology nurses. We may choose to share the nurses’ answers to your question with the forum’s members, in the section marked ‘Answers from nurses’. In this case your identity will not be revealed.

Ask a Nurse

Being diagnosed with kidney cancer or caring for someone who is suffering can be overwhelming. If you have any questions about kidney cancer you can now ask one of our specialist qualified nurses via the contact form below. 

    Support Line


    0800 002 9002

    Patient Support

    Whether you are recently diagnosed, undergoing or completed treatment for kidney cancer, are a carer, a friend or family of a kidney cancer patient, Kidney Cancer UK is here for you .

    For further support call our Support Line to talk to a member of our Health team on 0800 002 9002.