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Pausing the Psychological Rollercoaster
On World Kidney Cancer Day, which this year focuses on wellbeing, we are pleased to present a blog from our Counsellor.
The trauma and shock of a kidney cancer diagnosis is undeniable, then Covid-19 struck.
Throughout the pandemic the psychosocial wellbeing of kidney cancer patients has been a main focus for us in counselling.
Kidney Cancer UK and Scotland set up its counselling service to help patients and carers cope with the uncertainty, the loss of peace of mind about the future and life feeling out of control. The psychosocial aspect of the pandemic has affected the individual experience enormously due to the lack of usual social behaviour, and through support being unavailable or non-existent in some cases.
Our Counsellor along with our team of health care professionals are focused on creating ways of bringing people together and supporting the psychological impact of a cancer diagnosis alongside the complications of Covid-19 and the affect it has had on healthcare. We are here to help you understand and navigate your way through your diagnosis, your treatment pathways and perhaps what is the right surgery for you in light of the fears of going into hospital. We can often unravel medical terminology, what the various drugs are or what clinical trials maybe available to you.
The terms ‘roller coaster ride’ and ‘taking each day as it comes’ are expressions people use to try and describe the turmoil and sense of fear a kidney cancer diagnosis can bring.
Talking to someone who understands what this can feel like, having an opportunity to express your true thoughts, feelings and stress triggers helps to alleviate some of the anxieties. And, knowing that these thoughts are normal, and often a healthy way of coping, is reassuring.
For support relating to kidney cancer please visit our Support page where you will find information on our counselling service, our Careline and our closed Facebook support groups.