Support Line: 0800 002 9002
General Enquiries: 01223 870008

For Researchers

Kidney Cancer UK is here to support kidney cancer patients across the UK and welcomes any progress in the fight against the disease through research.

Research Funding

Kidney Cancer UK is particularly interested in receiving applications that focus on the patient experience / quality of life aspects of academic trials which are affordable and relevant to kidney cancer patients and those caring for.

As such we offer funding to research programmes, therefore if you feel your research project supports the above please visit our research funding page to submit an application.

Peer Review

Every funding application is subject to our rigorous and unbiased Peer Review Process. Once your funding application has been agreed in principle we pass the details to our Peer Review Panel. The members of this panel come from a wide range of areas and will include, but not be limited to, medical and business professionals and patient representatives. We want to ensure we are as transparent as possible in all areas of our funding, be it medical research or grant support to patients.

Even if you are not seeking funding from the charity, we offer a full Peer Review of your proposed research. Visit the Peer Review page to contact us.

For Health Professionals

We have resources for professionals who are working in the area of kidney cancer treatment and research.